Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Gamping: what is it?

Do you like camping ? Would you like to travel differently or meet new people ? If so, gamping, also known as camping at the’of the city, is perhaps what’you need. This concept has come to revitalize the camping sector and is becoming increasingly popular in France and abroad’at the’foreign. Discover here what’there is to remember on the subject.

Gamping: from the origins to the new trend

First used in 2012, gamping is a word that comes from the combination of garden, which means garden in English, and camping. It s’acts of’a concept that we owe to a young Frenchman named Joseph Leopold. After a trip, the latter, back home, realizes that’it is not’Macau does not have the keys to its house, which forces it to camp in its garden. Seduced by the’In the midst of the desert, a man with a lot of experience and convinced that this way of camping could appeal to many other people, he launched the concept of gamping.

Today’today, the camping at the’resident s’is popularized and already includes thousands of locations through the dozens of countries.

However, it should be noted that the health crisis linked to Covid-19 has somewhat pushed the French to review their way of traveling and to prefer local destinations. Thus, if in the past the gamers' preferences were for far away countries, the trend is now to use them’The trend is reversed and now, more and more people are choosing French regions.

How gamping works ?

The main purpose of gamping is to put people in contact with each other Although there are many owners who want to rent their gardens and people looking for a place to stay, gamping is an enriching experience in terms of human relations’a peaceful place to camp. In most cases, the procedure is the same’registration and research takes place on the internet.

So, if you want to rent a part of your garden to campers, you have to start by going to the website’one of the many platforms that offer this type of service. Easy to use, they are also generally free. Once on the site and after creating your account, you must describe your offer in detail.

For example, you will need specify the area and capacity of your garden, while keeping in mind the’It is important to keep in mind that you cannot accommodate more than 20 people or offer more than 6 "pitches". You will also have to specify the rate of the night. However, regarding this last point, you can decide not to be paid in cash. Instead of’some people prefer to pay in cash services (lawn mowing, shopping, etc.).).

Also take care to specify what types of accommodation you have or accept in your home. It can be a’You can also choose the platform of your choice, keeping in mind that you can't host more than 20 people or more than one person at a time.

Also consider fill in your address. The latter will only be visible to those whose reservations you have accepted. In addition, take care to detail your rules, the amenities and the services you offer (swimming pools, barbecues, internet, washing machines, spas, etc.).). N’Don't forget to mention the activities and the main attractions of the site attractions in your area.

In addition, to give your potential customers a clearer idea of where they will be camping, you will need to publish beautiful photos of your garden.

If you are interestedôs a gambler looking for a place to stay’a place to settle in, all you have to do is find a place to stay’The first step is to log on to the website’one of the platforms of your choice. Then, do some research, check out, Choose a garden located in the area you wish to visit and that is perfectly suited to your needs and budget. As far as the reservation is concerned, you just have to contact the’hôte, who can refuse or accept your request. Once this is validated, all you need to do is find a peaceful place to camp’to make the trip to take advantage of this service’pleasant moments of relaxation. As for the payment, it is done online on some sites.

On d’If you want to rent out your garden to campers, you must first go to the websiteôonce on the spot.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of gamping? ?

Although’Since it was created quite recently, the camping at the’In addition, it has been very successful with the public.

The advantages for the’hôte

Gamping allows you to to make your garden profitable having an additional source of income. With this in mind, the’installation of’A Greenkub garden studio can be beneficial to your business’a financial point of view, since you will be able to offer quality accommodation to your customers. Another option that s’offer to you is to simply delimit spaces to host your visitors' accommodations.

On the other hand, for most hôgamping is an enriching experience in terms of human relations. Exchange, sharing, discovering, etc. are at the rendezvous. It is’This means that the first step is to log on to the website’This is a great opportunity to get an idea of the culture, the environment and the people’history and traditions of the inhabitants of the region’other regions or peoples of the world’other countries.

In addition, it is not’is not uncommon for’A real relationship of trust is established between the travelers and their hostsôyour.

to build relationships through gamping

Advantages for the gambler

The attractive prices of the camping at the’attract many gamblers. It must be said that the rates are generally less than 20 €, and do not’However, they do not imply that they will be able to go there’the quality of the services ! All the conditions are generally in place for you to enjoy your trip: comfort, calm, cleanliness, conviviality.

Moreover, opting for this type of collaborative tourism allows you to experience a stay authentic and helps you to make real connections with the local people. Also, in addition to’To be safe, gamping is very practical to take advantage of the advice and good plans of your hostsôfor your different outings.

Some limitations of gamping

S’it is true that camping at the’The advantages of living in a house are undeniable, but it is also appropriate to have’to point out the limits of it. For example, it is important to recognize that shy or too introverted people will have a little difficulty in opting for gamping, since’they will have to go towards the others. Moreover, as a customer who wants to’to avoid disputes, you have the’obligation to conform to the maximum requirements of your hôSome of them might not suit you.

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