Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

A look behind the scenes: the’program on the’news from the Beauval zooparc

The Beauval zooparc tells the highlights of its animals through the videos of” a look behind the scenes “. The whole world can consult them so as not to miss any of the park’s highlights. The different sequences of the show are available on the park website. However, it is possible to watch them on other social networks like YouTube.

Short, explanatory videos available on YouTube

The Beauval Zooparc is getting into the social networking age. All animal lovers can now follow the park’s animal news on YouTube. This goes from the birth of one of them to their adult period.

Here are some extracts of these videos.

The babies of the savannah

This is a short film that takes Internet users to meet the births of baby animals. The scene takes place in the African savannah of the Beauval animal park. Through this behind-the-scenes look, the whole world can witness the birth of the bushpig, springok, Kimia and dik-dik babies.

The few minutes dedicated to this event allow us to discover the first care that the babies receive. Unpublished images showing the first bottles, the first outings with other animals of the savannah ..

The arrival of the Tasmanian devils

The presence of the videos on YouTube makes it possible to remember the moments to mark with a white stone. This is the case for the arrival of the very first Tasmanian devils of the park. With their camera, the directors ofa a look behind the scenes were able to immortalize their first day in the park.

Accompanied by their caretaker, they discover a brand new living environment.

Through the few minutes of video editing, the whole team was able to show the peaceful side of these little marsupials. The Beauval park is the only zoo in France to host this endangered species.

All the news on the births of the Beauval zooparc

The birth of the baby animals is a moving and memorable scene for the park. Real moments that are never seen by the general public. The birth videos allow us to share with the public moments that show the importance of life.

The pictures show how beautiful and priceless it is.

The return of the good weather in March and April is accompanied by a series of births throughout the park. A look behind the scenes takes visitors to the very first moments of complicity between parents and their babies.

The maki catta of Madagascar gave birth in March 2019. A moment captured forever by the cameras of an eye behind the scenes. The same goes for the arrival of the newborn in the camel alley.

A birth that is followed by the birth of a baby moustac and baby mongooses.

A birth stunt that can be seen on the park’s YouTube site. There is the birth of the Steller’s eagles, the one of the lizard-caïman and the baby marmosets.

All the highlights of the Beauval zooparc

The Beauval Zooparc has experienced strong and intense emotional moments. Of course each birth is important. But other events took much more space than others.


The unseen documentary on Yuan Meng

Yuan Meng is the first baby panda of the Beauval park. His arrival is the result of many efforts. Whether it is from his mother or from the park’s caretakers.

There are several short films relating its first moments on earth and its evolution over the months.

Through a documentary of several quarters of an hour, a look behind the scenes summarizes the highlights of the baby who became big. There is footage of Yuan Meng at 7 months. Videos of him at 8 and 9 months old.

Sequences of unpublished images showing him at 10 months. Without forgetting the day of his 2nd birthday which is a big party for all the staff of the park.

The birth of Nemo the little pelican

The birth of Nemo the little pelican is one of the highlights of the Beauval zoo. While he is still an egg, his mother decides to abandon him with another egg after a week. He was therefore forced to enter an incubator. The nursery of the park takes care of him quickly.

He spends all his journey until he pierces his egg.

His birth is closely followed by the caretakers. The latter took turns day and night around his incubator to not let the slightest opportunity to lose him pass. Finally, he was born early in the morning to the great joy of the latter.

All this journey is recorded through the videos of an eye behind the scenes.

The birth of Nemo the little pelican

Already the 4th season of the show

The 4th season of the show ” a look behind the scenes The “African Savannah Babies” event starts off with a bang. The entire film crew shares these unique moments with the rest of the world. Newborns shooting here and there through the park’s alleys.

In addition to these 4 seasons of videos, the team has made a video shooting “out of series. It tells the incredible birth of one of the park’s baby manatees. His name is Mandilo. His first weeks on earth were not at all restful.

But, with the help of the nursing staff, he was able to fight and be the dynamic little animal he is today.

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